Sometimes I wonder what happened to quality time.
We live in a generation of “Netflix and chill,” social media, and communication via social media.
But what happened to sitting at the dinner table with devices on silent and put away?
What happened to going on walks with a loved one, discussing hopes, dreams, and the future?
What happened to sitting down with a friend and having a genuine heart to heart without a phone in between?
What happened to bike rides, star gazing, picnics, art nights, evening strolls, and board games?
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I’m out to dinner with someone or see two others out, and one person has their phone pulled out texting while the other is trying to have a genuine, in person conversation with the other.
It’s sad, actually.
What happened to savoring the small moments, friends?
We get a very short, limited number of days with our loved ones here on this earth. And it breaks my heart to know that so much of that quality time may have been taken away by staring at a screen, rather than spent making memories, with loud laughter and tight hugs.
Social media isn’t going anywhere. Those posts you missed out on will remain on the internet forever.
But those small intimate moments with our loved ones? They’re short. They’re precious. They’re priceless. They’re timeless.
Never take those moments for granted.
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