A Photographer’s Preparation

What’s the first thing you do when it’s time to get ready for that photo shoot you’ve been planning and prepping for? Do you figure out which outfit to wear? How to do your hair? Which eye shadow palette to use? The list goes on and on, I’m sure.
What many may not realize, is there’s also a lot of preparation for the photographer as well, for each and every photo shoot.
Personally, I start prepping for every photo shoot by making sure my batteries are fully charged/I have extra battery just in case. Next, I make sure all of my photos are backed up before formatting my memory card so I can start with a blank slate. After that I gather all of the gear I need: the right camera, lenses, if I need a flash/external light(s), battery chargers, and extra memory cards. The last thing I do is refresh my memory on who I’m photographing, and revisit the subject’s story.
Final step: I jam out to music and get pumped for the shoot. Oh, and coffee. Coffee is needed for EVERYTHING!
It’s easy to think that photographers just show up to the location, shoot some photos, and send the photos off. There is so much more though to photography than just shooting some pictures. It’s an art form, and like all art, it takes time, preparation, inspiration, and love.

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Capturing photographs matched to every

Capturing photographs matched to every               

core memory.