Happy, Free, Confused (But Not Lonely)

Ya know that Taylor Swift song??

The one where she sings:

“We’re happy free confused and lonely at the same time

It’s miserable and magical oh yeah

Tonight’s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it’s time uh oh

I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 22

Everything will be alright, if you keep me next to you

You don’t know about me, but I bet you want to

Everything will be alright, if we just keep dancing like we’re 22, 22”

Well let me tell ya something, friends.

I turned twenty-two June 9th of this year, and Taylor Swift hit it spot on.

Except for one part of the song:

“….and lonely….”

THAT is where I’d have to say she got it wrong.


I had this buzzing through my mind this summer when I turned this age, but I wanted to wait it out a bit before I shared my thoughts. I wanted to wait and see if maybe TSwift was right, and I was just missing something since I’m a newby twenty-two year old.

Well it’s been six months since I’ve turned twenty-two, and I feel the exact same way as I felt six months ago.

Am I happy? Beyond.

Am I free? As a bird.

Am I confused? Aren’t we all?

Am I lonely? Not a chance.

There’s this mindset that twenty-something individuals seem to develop once they hit a certain point.

They think “oh now that I’m out of college, I have no social life. I have no friends. I’m going to eat Ben & Jerry’s instead of go out.”

But the truth is friends, it’s not Ben n’ Jerry’s that brings fulfillment. It’s not a bottle of wine after a long day that actually takes our troubles away. It’s not seeing friends every single day that takes away from loneliness.

It’s living our lives for Him that will bring us true fulfillment. It’s doing what we do every day to serve Him that will bring us joy.

Loneliness is a choice. Any of us can be lonely within a matter of seconds.

Human beings are so imperfect. We will never give one another the satisfaction or complete, whole, fulfilled feeling within, that God can give us.

Human beings – we are always letting one another down. In multiple ways, we are constantly hurting each other, disappointing one another, and causing heartache and loneliness.

But God’s love for us that He shows us every single day?

Nothing can or will ever replace that fulfilled feeling that He brings into our hearts every second of every day if we allow Him to.

He surrounds us with His arms wide open. He is our companion. Our friend. 

So here’s to twenty-two. Here’s to being confused and happy and free. And here’s to not ever feeling lonely.

I have God to fill that void. And so do you.


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