What It’s Like Living With Food Allergies


For as long as I can remember I’ve had so many food allergies, seasonal allergies, and cold-induced allergies.

It’s something I’ve grown up with and something I’ve learned to live with through the years, after being used to it.

To name a few, I’m allergic to tree nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, and am lactose intolerant. Many people when they hear that give me pity. They say “oh you poor thing” or they ask me how I do it.

To be honest?

I don’t know how I do it, I just do it. It’s something I have to do – to live with food allergies, so I don’t let it get to me. If I did, what would that do?


Because of my allergies, eating is kind of a challenge at times. I feel sick most days because there is further testing I need to do to find out what exact allergies I have, and it’s challenging at times to eat healthy, being allergic to so many things that our bodies need.

But more recently I’ve been thinking, because it really isn’t THAT much of a challenge for me to live with so many allergies. And I realized it’s not much of a challenge, because there are SO many alternatives we have nowadays. We have so many allergy-friendly alternatives out there, that we didn’t have 20 years ago.

So this Thanksgiving I am so dang thankful for so many options, and alternatives that give me a chance to be able to eat and drink some of my favorite things, without needing to deal with the consequences.

Just something I’ve been thinking about more recently, with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s words on what I realized I’m most thankful for this season.


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