What Makes The Season Special

Christmas lights sparkling all around. Christmas Carolers singing with big smiles spread across their faces. Cheesy Hallmark movies playing every evening on TV for millions of people to enjoy. Peppermint and cinnamon and chocolate flooding our taste buds. 

Why is it that everything is twenty times more magical when it’s Christmas time??? 


I look forward to this time every single year, and I wonder the same thing year after year. Why is everything so much happier, so much more cheerful, so much more loving, so much more beautiful?

This year I’ve been thinking about it more, and I don’t think there’s one particular reason as to why everything is just better as a whole during this month of December. 

I found one big reason though and I think it’s a pretty accurate explanation to all of the joy that seems to be in the air every evening when the Christmas lights are surrounding the city.

It’s the month of December, which is the month that Jesus was born. The month that HE entered into this world, and because of that, the world instantly became a much better place. A place where there’s hope, love, and joy.

December 25 is Jesus’s birthday. And what greater event to celebrate than the anniversary of the day that He was born?! There are lights. Lights everywhere that are symbols to birthday candles, except the best types of birthday candles. There are carolers singing all around. Carolers singing birthday songs to celebrate Him. There is cinnamon and peppermint and chocolate flooding our taste buds with the best type of birthday cake we could ever eat.

So to me, this month is just one big celebration of the birth of our Savior. It’s a joyful month for the most joyous birthday celebration. Let’s never ever forget the reason for the season, friends.


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