When It All Just Feels Like Too Much

Keep going. You’ve got this!
It’s an overwhelming time of year. I’ve noticed not only in my schedule, but in all of my photographer friends and overall friend’s schedules, that we all just feel so overwhelmed and busy with never-ending editing and work.
At times it feels like it will never get done. It feels like there will always just be a constant cycle of work that will forever being weighing over our heads. It feels like there is no break, and we feel guilty even taking a break to eat a meal. It feels like we’re behind, and there is no such thing as getting caught up.


Discouragement has come I’m sure, at one point or another, and you’re probably not human if you haven’t wanted to just quit at least once. It’s hard to constantly be working, be sleep deprived, and to not always have time to go out or grab coffee with a friend. It’s hard having 20+ photo shoots to edit. It’s hard having something constantly on your to-do list, and doesn’t seem to be going away. It’s all hard.
Friends, life is hard. Life was never meant to be easy, and we were never promised that. Life isn’t only about the good, but it’s about getting through the trials and failures and hardships. I don’t know anyone who has led a perfect, happy, fulfilling life. Everyone has their bad days. Everyone gets discouraged. Everyone at times wants to just give up and call it quits.
But you have to keep going. Don’t give up, don’t stop. This is all going to be worth it in the end. It’s going to be worth it when you make someone cry of happiness after delivering their shoot. It’s going to be worth it when you make individuals feel beautiful from the photos you delivered. And it’s going to be worth it when you look back and see how far you’ve come, after many evenings of no sleep, not much food, and a lot of tears. Those are the evenings that make it count, and those are the evenings that will make a difference in the end.
So for anyone feeling discouraged today, just remember to keep going. Cry for one minute maximum, and then get back up and get to work. There’s too much to do to waste that time on tears. Instead, use that time to work hard, reflect on why you do what you do, and you will see results. No matter what you may see or think, no one’s life is glamorous. We all have our own mountains to climb to get to where we’re meant to be. Keep climbing and don’t stop. You’ve got this.

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Capturing photographs matched to every

Capturing photographs matched to every               

core memory.