Where There is Hatred, Show Love

It’s been a week.

That’s to say the least.

I caught a really extreme virus that’s unlike any other type of illness that I’ve ever experienced. It progressively got worse, and I awoke just a few days ago hardly able to move or get out of bed. 

Luckily after a couple of doctor’s visits, I’m hoping I’m on my road to recovery.

In addition to being sick, several other things went wrong over the weekend into the new week, which has just brought me down.

Today I tried beginning to get back into my routine and my everyday life. It was tough to get back into, but I’m happy I did.

I was on my way to the pharmacy to pick up some more medication this evening, and as I was on my way, I began praying. I prayed and prayed and spoke to God in a way I haven’t in a very long time. I felt His presence right there with me, and suddenly felt a feeling I haven’t felt in awhile: peace.

I pulled up to the pharmacy and as I was waiting on the pharmacist to bring me my medication in the drive-through, I had noticed the people in the vehicle next to mine kept on looking at me. I disregarded it, then out of nowhere they began yelling.

Yelling at me, yelling at the pharmacist, yelling all over the place. The made up the lie that they were in line first and had been waiting for far too long. They cussed me out, the pharmacist out, and opened their car doors as if they were going to come up to me.

I was surprised by my reaction.

It was one I didn’t recognize: calmness.

I hardly even glanced at them, and remained calm and to myself as they yelled and cussed at me.

I said a prayer for God to keep me safe, and immediately received my prescription, and drove away.

Maybe that wasn’t the right reaction for me to have, maybe it was. I’ll never know.

However, in that moment in time I felt as though I was shielded from any harm. I felt as though I was completely protected, and felt God right there with me. Although I had every reason to be afraid, I felt no fear.

The truth is friends, God is always by our sides. He always is, and He wants to be there for us. He wants to help us. He wants to protect us. 

And tonight I felt that in every way.


We live in a world where there is so much chaos. Chaos all around, anger all around, hatred all around, jealousy all around, pride all around, selfishness all around, entitlement all around, greed all around, crazy people all around.

But my friends, in this world where there is anger, emulate joy.

In this world where there is jealousy, show genuine happiness.

In this world where there is cruelty, show kindness.

In this world where there is selfishness, be selfless.

In this world where there is hatred, show love.

This world has enough negative, angry, and confused individuals in it. So be that light of love and kindness to others, and be that person over and over and over again.

God is love. God is kindness. God is patience. God is joy. God is constant.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

-Ephesians 5:1-2

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