Okay all you Wedding Photographers out there: ever get writers block when entering Microsoft Word to write your next blog post??
I definitely know I have, and it seems that so many times we end up spending more time trying to come up with something to write about rather than the actual writing itself.
SO consider this my gift to you, because I know where you are and have been where you are. I know the struggle of blogging writers block.
And over time I’ve found the key in writing blogs as a wedding photographer is all about educating our clients. Chances are you’ve done this whole wedding day thing more than they have, so help educate them on things to do, which will help ease their pain and in the end, make YOUR job easier as a photographer as well.
So here are 5 blog post ideas for your next month or so of blogging:
1. To Do a First Look or Not To
This is one of my favorite go-to’s. This is a question every couple needs to ask themselves and decide if they should do a first look or not for their big day. I highly recommend educating them on the pros and cons of both, and if you have an opinion or recommendation, feel free to throw that in there too.
2. The Secret Sauce To Flawless Getting Ready Photos
This is a topic not many of your brides will be educated on. It’s our job as photographers to tell them exactly what we expect. That might be a clean space for getting ready, educate them on lighting in rooms, Airbnb vs. hotels vs. church nursery’s. EDUCATE THEM! I promise it will not only give them beautiful photos, but make your job 10x easier as well.
3. How to Find The Perfect Veil for YOU
Another question for brides is what type of veil they should wear, and if to even wear one at all! Help them out by providing resources on what types of veils look good on what face shapes, where to wear the veil on their head, and if they should wear one at all according to the style and vision of their day.
4. Top Five Best Wedding Venues in ____
Fill in the blank with where you’re located. This is a great opportunity to give a shout-out and collaborate with your favorite venues in your area, and a way to educate brides, as well as give exposure to yourself as they google search venues in your area.
5. Find the Right Bouquet for YOU
Another thing that the majority of brides hold on their day is bouquets. And it’s always a struggle for them to decide what types of flowers to use, the style of the bouquet, what colors, etc. So this is a great opportunity for you to educate them on what colors are best for what seasons, what flowers go best with what style, etc. They’ll love this one!
Alrightyyy, you ready to blog now? Guarantee your current brides and future brides will love you for these blog posts. Now start researching, and happy blogging 🙂
Come browse my Pinterest for more inspiration >>
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