Oh the dreaded thought process every wedding photographer at one point or another contemplates: to give a discount or not to.
I know I used to have this thought all the time. I was convinced there was a right answer vs. wrong answer. And I wanted to know what the right answer was, since I was having people ask, family members ask, and friends ask.
And even if they didn’t ask, I felt guilt. Ever feel that way?
So here’s what I’ve learned over the years and the answer I want to give to YOU.
First, this is what you need to consider: are you going to pour just as much (if not more) time into that client’s wedding or photo shoot as you would any other wedding or shoot? Because if so, you really should consider not giving a discount.
I know I personally after giving this thought, came to the realization that I pour so much time into every wedding day, and honestly feel even more pressure when photographing someone I know. So even with that, it takes more mental pressure within me to do their photo shoot, and that in and of itself is worth something.
Here’s the other thing to consider: what is YOUR energetic minimum that you’re willing to meet? Meaning, what feels worth it to you? What are you going to smile at the end of the day after charging a certain price, and know that you charged your worth?
If that means giving a small discount to certain individuals, there’s nothing wrong with that. But it needs to be worth it still to you! It needs to be worth your time and investment. If that time could be better utilized elsewhere and you can make that amount of money or more quickly doing something else, then don’t compromise.
Here is the bottom line: I could write an entire novel about this. But ultimately, there is no right or wrong when it comes to discounts. If it is worth it to you, there’s nothing wrong with giving a small percentage off. And always no matter what, charge for your time.
I charge my very own siblings.
YES, the human beings that I grew up with.
Because here’s the thing: I know myself and I know I value my clients and the work I am creating for them so much more when I know that they value me and my work in return.
So to wrap this up:
1. Know your value
2. Know your energetic minimum
3. Charge your worth
Pricing can be sticky, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re open and honest with your clients, and value YOURSELF, then they will most likely value you in return.
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